#Git setting up diffmerge mac code
Unfortunately Araxis Merge and the compare binary do not appear to set the exit code of the process in a manner that Git would understand so after fixing up the conflict I may still need to tell Git whether the merge was successful or not. Now, when I get merge conflicts I can run git mergetool and Araxis Merge will be opened up in the proper mode with the conflicting files. 'araxis-mergetool "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED" "$BASE"' To get it working I saved the shell script in /usr/local/bin/araxis-mergetool, made it executable and configured Git as follows git config -global \ The command line options for Araxis Merge require that we know in advance which scenario we are facing so I had to resolve to using a simple shell script wrapper that would make the appropriate call to the compare binary. These scenarios require the use of a three-way-diff or a two-way-diff operation, respectively. In case of a merge conflict there are two possible scenarios: one, in which a common base version exists and second, where it does not exist. Graphically shows the changes between two files. If you installed DiffMerge from the ZIP package, be sure to adjust the pathname to sgdm.exe accordingly. This copy of DiffMerge is licensed to you under the terms listed in the License Agreement at the end of this document.
#Git setting up diffmerge mac install
The commands above assume that the MSI installer was used to install DiffMerge in the standard location. The Release Notes for this and previous releases can be found near the end of this document. 4.6 Based on 15 user rates Read reviews & comments Follow this app Developer website DiffMerge overview DiffMerge is an application to visually compare and merge files. You can verify your settings with the git config -list command. I put them under /usr/local/bin on my Mac. Version 4.2.1 Visually compare and merge files. It doesn’t matter where you place the binaries as long as they are available. I assume that you’ve got Araxis Merge installed including the binaries that are located in the “Utilities” directory in the distribution. Luckily new commands can be configured by hand but a quick Google search didn’t turn up anything I could have simply copy-pasted to get it working. I wanted to use the great Araxis Merge tool as a helper to solve merge conflicts with Git but currently it is not supported out-of-the-box.